Frock In Frock Out (FIFO) with Gertrude Wellease

Amphitheatre Lower Lawn

FIFO is an exploration of character. Step into Gertrude’s curated wardrobe and see which character calls in the moment.  A project promoting the importance of diversity, trust and respect.  With a host of wigs, hats and glasses and a few frocks to boot, the FIFO trunk invites you to explore your Festival Persona. Open every […]

LAND ART with Hutchins, Clocherty, Deltondo

Amphitheatre Lower Lawn

Traditonal Owner and mutli- talented artist Mitchella Hutchins, Community Artist Kyllie Deltondo and Land Artist Elaine Clocherty, have collaborated on many Land Art projects over the years.  Including the Evernow Festival, Perth and Winyarn Beela, Ellensbrook. Join them in the creation of something special.

SAND SCULPTURE with Sand Sculpture WA

Totemly Awesome

Sand Sculpture WA has been creating engaging and unique sand sculptures throughout the state of Western Australia for the past fifteen years. Part product, part participation and part performance, sand carving has it all! All weekend at Totemly Awesome.

MUSHY LOVE: A festival community collaborated LOVE act, an arty farty sculptural project.

Mushy Love

The process is of release, undoing, letting go, renewing, celebrating. Our darkness can always revert to light, love is always present. Write, type, draw your fears secrets or dreams. Immerse this into a glue tub. Blend if desired. Secrets are safe blended; also safe to share, so they can also be layered direct. Happening Saturday […]

Art Jam WA

Art Space in the Arboretum

Join a workshop or drop in to Art Jam’s creative corner in the Arboretum.  Art Jam WA is a social enterprise based in Perth, providing art workshops that aim to be accessible and inclusive.      Saturday 10:00am - Make a Shaker 11:30am - Play with Clay 1:30pm - Printing with Sun Dyes 3:30pm - DIY Notebooks […]

LookSeeDo Free Kids’ Activities

The Playground

Saturday 10:30am-12:30pm Bird Making (for older and younger children) 1:30pm-3:30pm  Tassel Key Rings (for older children) 1:30pm-3:30pm Junk Jewelry (younger children) Other activities over the weekend: Blackboard Mandala with natural materials Coloring in/drawing Face Painting (festival fundraiser, $10 per child)


Kaartdijin Tent in the Arboretum

Music Festivals are unique and vibrant gatherings that combine music, art, culture and community in a way that sets them apart from other events.  Candid moments are authentic and emotionally charged, making them ideal for storytelling in music festival photography. Explore Nannup Festival’s thriving art and cultural scene while you wander through the crowd surrounded […]

NATURE TALISMAN with Wild Creative

Kaartdijin Tent in the Arboretum

Using natural materials of sticks, wool, shells and feathers we will create a TALISMAN FOR INNER PROTECTION. This simple eco craft is a powerful way to create intention around your mental/emotional/physical wellbeing. The emphasis is about the process of creation and the symbolism for the individual so no two will look alike. Wild Creative was […]

Art Jam WA

Art Space in the Arboretum

Join a workshop or drop in to Art Jam’s creative corner in the Arboretum.  Art Jam WA is a social enterprise based in Perth, providing art workshops that aim to be accessible and inclusive.      Sunday                             10:00am - Printing with Sun Dyes 11:30am […]

LookSeeDo Free Kids’ Activities

The Playground

Sunday 10:30am-12:30pm Poi Making (older children) 10:30am-12:30pm  Sock Worms (younger children) 1:30pm-2:30pm Magic Flowers (older children) 1:30pm -2:30pm Stick Puppets (younger children)   Other activities over the weekend: Blackboard Mandala with natural materials Coloring in/drawing Face Painting (festival fundraiser, $10 per child)