Terms & Conditions

To help keep everything safe and happy we have a few simple terms and conditions on ticket sales and attendance: 

  1. Tickets can be purchased online only. If not sold out, tickets will be available from our Ticket Office on the day.

  2. Tickets are non-refundable.
  3. Tickets cannot be reserved.
  4. The Festival bears no responsibility for duplicate tickets presented at our Ticket Office.

  5. Wristbands are not transferable and must be worn at all times. Wristbands will not be replaced if lost.

  6. All venues are subject to capacity restrictions.

  7. Patrons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian for entry in the licensed areas within our venues. Only juveniles accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult (as defined by s 125 (2)(b) of the Liquor Control Act) are permitted to enter and remain on the licensed areas. Section 125(2)(b) of the Liquor Control Act defines a responsible adult as: a person shall be taken to be a responsible adult if that person was an adult who is a parent, step-parent, spouse, de facto partner or legal guardian of the juvenile, or other person in loco parentis to the juvenile.

  8. 18+ patrons: Valid photo ID (a current Australian driver’s license, current passport or proof of age card) might be required at Ticket Office and Festival bars.

  9. Children 12 years and under are admitted free when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who already holds a ticket. Parents/legal guardians are responsible for their children at all times.

  10. Parents/legal guardians are also responsible for their children at all times at the Festival Campground.
  11. Exposure to loud noise can damage hearing, particularly in children. Please consider well-fitting ear protection.

  12. Persons attending the festival do so at their own risk.

  13. All vehicles parked at owner’s own risk.

  14. The Festival reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists, and to vary the advertised program and timings.

  15. We play rain or shine unless weather becomes a danger, in which case your safety is our main concern.

  16. BYO alcohol, glass, illegal substances, large umbrellas or anything that could be used as a weapon are not permitted.

  17. Water bottles are permitted.

  18. No animals (with the exception of guide dogs) are permitted in our Festival venues or Festival Campground. Please leave your pets at home.

  19. Fires of any kind, flares, fireworks, lanterns are not permitted (including in performances). Gas cookers are allowed at the Festival Campground.

  20. We are a smoke free event.

  21. Excessive drinkers, illegal drug users or patrons displaying antisocial behaviour will be dealt with by Festival security and may be evicted from the festival. Activities such as moshing, crowd surfing, climbing and stage diving are dangerous and may lead to eviction from the festival. The Festival accepts no liability for any injuries or damages caused by these activities.

  22. We are committed to making all people feel welcome and safe at our event. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, racism or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. Please speak up if you experience or notice anything we need to deal with.

  23. Any person/s bearing or wearing motor cycle gang colours, patches or insignias are not permitted entry to the festival.

  24. Please be kind and respectful to festival staff, performers, volunteers, and each other. 

  25. No recording devices, flash photography or drones allowed. 

  26. No independent sound systems are permitted.

  27. You may be filmed or photographed within the festival site and venues for promotional purposes of the Nannup Music Festival.

  28. The Festival Campground can be accessed from 9am on the Friday of the festival. No early arrivals will be accommodated.

  29. Campervans/ live-in vehicles are welcome. Generators are permitted from 8am and need to be switched off by 10pm.

  30. Please be respectful of other campers. No music or loud conversations after midnight.

  31. Please note that the Shire of Nannup does not allow free camping in and around town. Council has Ranger services and you will be moved on.

  32. Gates open for the public at 5pm on the Friday.

  33. Please only bring low back chairs into the festival venues.

  34. Please be considerate of wildlife, especially when driving. Emus and kangaroos are always out and about in Nannup!

  35. Be careful and responsible when enjoying the Blackwood River.

  36. Please keep the festival site, town and bush clean. Respect our community as you wander our town and be considerate of others. Please leave no trace…

  37. In the event that we are forced to cancel due to reasons beyond our control, you will be assured a 90% refund. 10% of your transaction will be retained to assure contractors and artists are paid their retainers, if not their full contracted rate.