Volunteer Terms & Conditions

  1. General Terms & Conditions

All Nannup Music Festival volunteers are also Ticket Holders and are subject to the Festival’s General Terms & Conditions.

  1. Photo ID

Photo ID may be required on check-in.

  1. Email Access

All main correspondence will be conducted via email or sms. Please ensure you have a current and usable email, and that this is included on your online registration form, along with your mobile phone number which will be the main form of communication with you over the festival weekend.

  1. Attitude

All volunteers represent the Nannup Music Festival (NMF). It is vital to bring a positive attitude and to act with courtesy and in a safe manner at all times. Use of mobile phones and eating/drinking while on duty is not appropriate.

  1. Safety

We take pride in observing high standards of Occupational Health and Safety throughout the Festival. We endeavour to provide you with the safest working conditions possible. As a member of the Volunteer team we ask you to comply with all safety requirements associated with your volunteer position.

All positions require enclosed shoes. Outdoor work requires a hat and suitable sun smart clothing. Sunscreen will be provided by the Festival. Please bring along your own water bottle. Refilling stations are available around the festival site.

We want all our volunteers to have an enjoyable experience. Please contact the Volunteer Manager if, at any time during your volunteer contract with the NMF, you experience any difficulties in undertaking your duties, working with your fellow Volunteers or have any other festival-related concerns.

  1. Shifts

Adult Volunteers (18 years and over) will be required to undertake a minimum of 9 volunteer hours, generally in 3 blocks of 3 hours.

Youth Volunteers (13 to 17 years) will be required to undertake a minimum of 6 volunteer hours. At least one Parent or Guardian of each Youth Volunteer must also be a volunteer. Youth volunteers will almost always be rostered on duty with a Parent or Guardian. Please note that there is no guarantee that Youth Volunteer roles will be available.

Volunteers must not bring their children to their shift (unless an allocated Youth volunteer), nor should children be left under the care of any other volunteers on duty or at any work areas at any stage over the festival.

Volunteers MUST arrange their own carers external to the festival operations whilst they are on shift. 

Volunteers who are not available for setup and/or pack down should expect to do at least one Sunday shift and one night shift.

If you are unable to do a shift for any reason (e.g. illness, injury or family emergency), you must contact the Volunteer Manager immediately.

If you do not complete a shift, you may be required to return your festival wristband and any future application is likely to be refused.

  1. Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking Policy

The NMF is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all volunteers. It has a strict no drugs, alcohol and smoking policy whilst on duty. The Festival is a smoke free event.

Volunteers who arrive for their shift under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be signed onto that shift. If you are not signed onto your shift for these reasons, you may be required to return your festival wristband and any future application is likely to be refused.

All volunteers are required to report for work in a fit condition, able to perform their required duties in a safe and capable manner.

  1. Tickets

Your volunteer ticket is valid only for you. It does not entitle members of your family or associates to enter the Festival.

Camping is not included in the Volunteer package unless mentioned specifically in the Volunteer Role Descriptions.

To reserve a Volunteer Camping ticket you will need to check the box on the Volunteer Registration form. Payment for your ticket will be required on arrival at the festival.

  1. Reporting

Incident Report forms must be completed any time there is an accident, incident or near-miss. These forms can be obtained from the Festival Ticket Office. During or post festival, take your completed Incident Report forms to the Festival Ticket Office.

  1. Confidentiality

All information and processes associated with the volunteer position will be considered confidential.