Peter Willey

Peter Willey is a great name for comedy and a very bad name for primary school teaching. Peter is simply hilarious. He said so himself. He is a comedian, singer, songwriter, parodist and poet who draws his inspiration from the suburban wastelands. His routines are witty and insightful. His jokes have not been tested on animals. Peter brings music to comedy with his arsenal of original songs and rollicking reworking of famous tunes.
Please come along to hear Peter’s “The Kitchen Tea Tupperware Massacre of 1965” or his infamous “The Day I Wore My Inside Thongs Outside”. Perhaps he could be persuaded to summarise Shakespeare’s plays in a couple of limericks.
Peter has demonstrated his ability to make festival audiences laugh. He is a favourite on the folk festival circuit from Canberra to Woodford. Peter last performed in Western Australia 10 years ago. He is very keen to get back to perform again and to find his wallet.
Peter has performed at countless comedy clubs, pubs, sheds, greyhound tracks and tents. Check out his website:, come see him live or ignore him completely.